Best Tips To Look Instantly Trendy

Maryam Siddiqui
3 min readFeb 9, 2022

We fancy fashion bloggers, celebrities, and Instagram models for always looking so effortlessly fashionable, wondering if we could ever pull something like that. Well, it’s not as difficult to achieve as you might think.

Having the perfect outfit every day doesn’t mean you need a ton of money or “the perfect body” type. All it takes is some experimentation, knowing what colors complement your skin, and a little bit of bling to spice up your look.

Here are some useful tips you can use to become your own master stylist:

Wear Clothes That Fit You Well

This. Is. So. Important.

A shirt that drapes over your shoulders or pants that are too tight for you to breathe in is going to look horrible. There’s no doubt about it. It’s important to buy clothes with the same measurements as your body.

Having a top that fits your torso just right will help you look more put-together. Even an ordinary t-shirt can be made stylish if you pair it up with some jeans that zip up neatly. Before you swipe your card on that new purchase, either try it on or compare the size chart that matches your measurements the closest.

Ditch The Black Wardrobe

We know, we’ve all been obsessed with how chic black looks on us. However, getting rid of a wardrobe that is 80% black is long overdue. Here are two things that can help you experiment:

Playing With Colors

Ever wonder why a color that looks beautiful on someone else looks bad on you? This is where skin tones come into play. Adding a little bit of color can instantly elevate your look. Whether that’s through a new handbag, a pair of earrings, or a statement shoe.

Pick clothes that have colors that work for your skin tone — and remember, limit the black.

Adding Patterns

We don’t mean that you wear stripes and checks together.

But adding some print to your outfit can elevate it to look more sophisticated yet fun. Wear a pair of plain nude pants with a top that has some patterns on the sleeves or neckline.

Add A Bit Of Bling

Another really important tip is to accessorize every outfit you wear. Even the most boring sweatpants can look dressed up if you add some gold hoops.

Depending on whether you prefer gold or silver, adding minimalist earrings, a bracelet, or a necklace helps the entire outfit look more put-together. You don’t need a ton of jewelry. Keep it simple with small gold studs or a set of rings you can wear every day. Wearing a watch is also great for when you want to look fancier.

Experiment With New Styles

Afraid that a particular style won’t look good on you? There are plenty of ways to style any piece of clothing according to your body type. Sometimes it means pairing up a crop top with those mom jeans you think won’t look good on you. Other times, it means wearing that dress you’re too scared to try on.

The only way to figure out your style is to experiment with new trends and cuts. Remember, it’s all about what you like on yourself, not about what everyone else is wearing.

Remember To Flaunt Your Body The Way It Is

Don’t dwell over not being able to lose those extra inches. Accept your body and flaunt it with confidence. Every outfit looks better if you wear it knowing you look good.

Lastly, wear what you feel good in. This way you’ll feel like flaunting your outfit everywhere you go. The goal is not to look slimmer or curvier, it’s about looking trendy while wearing what you love.

